Sunflower Farm
 24154 Stillwell Road
Lawrence, Kansas 66044

Free admission - donation box.

Looking great September 5, 2024

Good Morning America

Grinter's Sunflower Farm Map

Kansas public sunflower fields

Grinter's Sunflower Farm - Lawrence, Kansas
Grinter's Sunflower Farm - Leavenworth County, Kansas
Grinter's Sunflower Farm - September 1, 2023

Ted and Kris Grinter's Sunflower Farm in Leavenworth County has become a phenomena. Although Kansas has a great many sunflower fields, those fields are primarily in central and western Kansas. These fields are in the far eastern part of the state (near the population centers) and the Grinter family let the public come into the fields and take photos. A great many people want to have their photos taken with the sunflowers. Professional photographers even schedule sessions here.

Sunflowers begin their blooming with the flowers following the sun as it crosses the sky. As the seeds grow heavier, the flower heads start to droop and finally just hang down, with the majority of them facing the east. The photo at the top of this page was taken when the flowers were several days past their best, but there were still several hundred people in the fields taking photos on a Thursday evening. The seeds continued to swell and the flower heads turned black in the next few weeks, But storms made the flowers look pretty ragged before then.

For the best photography, come on as sunny day in the first couple of hours after sunrise or before sunset. The peak time for the flowers changes each year. It usually is in late August or early September and the fields look their best for about two weeks.

Sunflower General is a local goods & bake shop. If they have them, we recommend the chocolate chip cookies! The baked good are baked on premises and the shop will be open every day for the first two weeks of the bloom. After that it may be open on weekends.

Thousands of people visit the sunflower farm and at the peak, it is recommended that you go on a week day mornings for the best experience. The light is usually best before 9:30 AM.

Be sure to respect the farm and the neighbors. Please do not go onto other property and carry out your trash. The Grinter family recommends that you do not take sunflowers home as they wilt quickly and usually carry insects, but if you do take sunflowers, they request that you donate $1/bloom. Do not cut sunflowers to set up a photo op and leave them in the field.

Well behaved dogs on leash are welcome. Please pick up after them.

There are no toilets in the fields, but there are three portable toilets at Sunflower General.

The Grinter family planted their sunflowers July 13, 2024. On August 31, the flowers were not yet in bloom, though there were many people visiting. Look for them to start in a few days and be nice by the weekend of September 7. 2024. The field closest to Sunflower General appears to be a few days farther behind. To check on the flowers' progress, visit the Grinter Farms Facebook Page.

Grinter's Sunflower Farm - Lawrence, Kansas
Grinter's Sunflower Farm - August 31, 2022

Grinter's Sunflower Farm
Grinter's Sunflower Farm - Lawrence, Kansas     September 5, 2020

Good Morning America
Grinter's Farm live on Good Morning America

Grinter's Sunflower Farm - Lawrence, Kansas     August 30, 2021

Professional photo shoots
Many families have professional photo shoots done at Grinter's Sunflower Field
such as this one done in 2023 by Stunning Hooligans Photography w/ Annie Flurry

2019 Sunflower blooms in Kansas
Visitors checking out the few, very first blooms on August 28, 2019.

Grinter's Sunflower Farm parking.
In 2022 there are many parking areas. This one is at the east of the main field.
Please respect the signs pointing out places not to park.

Grinter farm money tube - Lawrence, Kansas
Money tubes where the public is encouraged to leave a dollar for each flower they take
or just leave a contribution to thank the Grinter family for letting them have fun in the fields.

A bee enjoying one of the flowers

People love to have their family photos with the sunflowers. 2015

September 5, 2020



Sunflower field before the flowers bloom
Grinter's Sunflower Farm has become a destination even when the sunflowers are not in bloom.
This was on August 27, 2016.

Sunflower General, a local goods & bake shop
Sunflower General, a local goods & bake shop is near the westernmost of the two sunflower fields in 2023.

Sunflowe General gift shop and bakery
Crafts, t-shirts, baked goods and local honey are available at Sunflower General

Kris Grinter - Sunflower General
"the farmer's wife," Kris Grinter chatting with customers at Sunflower General

Cinnamon Roll, Brownie, Chocolate Chip Cookie
Cinnamon Roll ($3.50), Brownie ($3.50), Chocolate Chip Cookie ($2)
2022 prices -Rice Crispy Treats, water & coffee are also available

Grinter's Sunflower Farm from the air
Grinter's Sunflower Farm from a United Airlines flight in March 2017

Grinter's Sunflower Farm Map - Lawrence, Kansas
2024 Grinter's Sunflower Farm Map

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copyright 2015-2024 by Keith Stokes